
International Conference on “Food Safety and Health” is going to held during August 30-31, 2018 in Dubai, UAE. The theme of the conferen...

Food Safety New Technologies

International Conference on “Food Safety and Health” is going to held during August 30-31, 2018 in Dubai, UAE. The theme of the conference is “Highlights of latest Advancements in Food safety research and Accentuating Current & Emerging Food Safety issues”.
International food standards play an important role in defining market access in international trade. The ever-rising demands of consumers, increasing liabilities of retailers and wholesalers, increasing legal requirements, and the globalization of product supply led to International food standards.

Food safety deals with the different factors such as risk management, risk assessment and risk communication. The main aim is on the economic and social feature of food administration, and we should rank empirical studies informing international food administration discussions. Risk analysis is a highly interactive process that is evaluated and reviewed as necessary based on new data, changes which must be done in the context in which the food safety problem occurred.
Food Safety includes the review, testing, and observation activities of quality control programs, besides further activities that are dedicated to prevention of food safety hazards and quality defects. The activities are integrated and interconnected to create a system.
The confidence provided by quality assurance is double fold i.e. in spite of appearance to management and superficially to consumers, government agencies, managers, endorser, and third parties.